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Signs You Need Your Circuit Breaker Replaced

Lakeland Mister Sparky Electrician Techs in front of a service vanThe circuit breakers in your home’s electrical panel act as safety switches to guard against the potential dangers of electric current. Depending on the size of your panel, you have a number of breakers that connect to the various electric circuits that power your home.

A standard 100-amp panel may have at least 20 and up to 40 breakers, and eventually, one or more of these can fail. When that happens, it leaves the connected wiring vulnerable to power surges, overheating, and electrical fires. Find out the signs of a failing breaker and when it’s time to call Mister Sparky to have it replaced.

Top Signs You Need Your Circuit Breaker Replaced

1. Tripping Circuit Breaker

A problem within an electrical circuit triggers the circuit breaker, which trips off. That means that all of the devices it powers will be affected. For example, if you are running the fan in your bathroom and turn on your hairdryer as well, the added power demand can cause the breaker to trip. Lights, outlets, and other connected devices on that breaker will no longer have power. Once you flip the breaker back to the on position, it restores the power.

Although designed to work this way, a circuit breaker should only trip occasionally. It should be able to handle the loads on its circuit. If a frequently tripping breaker becomes a problem, you should have it replaced.

2. Tripped Breaker Will Not Reset

Sometimes, a tripped circuit breaker will not stay on. When you try to reset it by flipping the switch, it doesn’t click, and the power remains out. This is a good indication that the circuit breaker has failed. In a similar situation, a breaker will not restore power even when it appears to be on. It is time to call your electrician to install a replacement.

3. Power Fluctuations

One of the most telling signs that there’s a problem with a circuit breaker is lighting that flickers. This can happen during a widespread power outage, but when the flickering is isolated to a particular area of the house, it is likely due to a failing breaker. You should schedule a visit from the electrician right away.

4. The Smell of Burning

If you detect burning odors at or near your electrical panel, call your electrician. An overloaded circuit may be causing wire casings to melt, and the wires inside may also be damaged. Each breaker has a limit on the amount of power it can safely handle, and it could be that an added appliance may be causing the overload. Other sources of the burning smell could be sparking somewhere within your electrical system or power arcs that result from overload. This often burns out a circuit breaker, making replacement a must.

5. Buzzing or Crackling Noises

When all the breakers in your electrical panel are working as they should, they work silently. If one or more circuits develop a buzzing or crackling noise, that’s a sign of a problem. It could be a connection that causes the noise. It could also be a short circuit, which raises the risk of an electrical fire. If you hear sounds coming from your circuit breaker panel, call in the experts at Mister Sparky.

6. A Panel that Feels Hot

Your circuit breaker panel should be at room temperature in keeping with its surroundings. If it starts to heat up, you may have a serious problem that your electrician can diagnose and resolve. Issues like overloaded wiring, sparking connections, or breakers that no longer work properly can be the root cause of a hot panel.

7. Visible Signs of Aging

Circuit breakers can last several decades, but unless you owned your home when it was built, you may not know the age of your breakers. Cracked plastic, discoloration, and other visible age-related damage can indicate you need to have them replaced. It is a good idea to be proactive when replacing older circuit breakers so that you can avoid safety issues.

8. Increasing Power Needs

Check with your electrician before adding appliances that will increase the power demand on a circuit breaker. It is best to know whether your existing breaker can handle the load before you plug in your new appliance. Also, if you want to have a large capacity outlet installed, such as a 220 outlet, you might need to have your panel updated to prevent overload.

Contact Mister Sparky to Troubleshoot Circuit Breaker Problems

When you detect any of the warning signs above, don’t hesitate to call our office. Our licensed electricians can solve emergent issues with your electrical panel safely and effectively.