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Most Common Electrical Safety Hazards in Lakeland Homes

Mister Sparky Electrician Tech, Emilio, sitting at kitchen table with homeowner as she speaks about her needs in Lakeland, FLFrom disastrous fires to electrocutions, a number of tragic accidents occur every year that stem from household electrical problems. Even a seemingly small problem can jeopardize your family’s well-being in the long run. This is why it’s important to take the proper precautions. Here are some of the most common electrical safety hazards in Lakeland homes.

Damaged, Worn-Out Wiring

Electrical wiring is prone to wear out over time. When it has become old and defective, power surges are more likely to occur. While gnawing through wiring insulation, rats and mice can also expose the bare metal surfaces inside. This ultimately further increases the risk of a fire.

To be on the safe side, Mister Sparky recommends an electrical inspection every few years. If your wiring is dated, upgrading it will definitely give your family an added sense of security.

Overloaded Circuits

Many homeowners make the mistake of overloading circuits. Doing so often causes wires to overheat, which can ultimately trigger a fire. If your circuit breakers begin to frequently trip or you start to hear a buzzing sound, it’s time to contact a certified professional such as Mister Sparky.

A good approach is to invest in energy-saving appliances. Aside from reducing your monthly electric bills, these appliances will also help better distribute your home’s electrical load. Because modern LED lights consume less energy, they are also less likely to cause an overloaded circuit. However, you should still use caution when plugging holiday lights into a single power strip.

Do-it-Yourself Electrical Jobs

In an effort to save a little money, some homeowners attempt to make repairs themselves. However, this is an especially bad idea when it comes to electrical work.

The job needs to be done correctly the first time. If a mishap does occur, this could become a serious safety hazard. Always seek the advice of a licensed electrician beforehand.

Curious Children

It’s no secret that children like to explore. Unfortunately, your home can become a dangerous playground if you fail to take the necessary safety measures.

Installing wall outlet covers will go a long way towards protecting babies and toddlers from harm. You should also keep appliance cords tucked away at all times.

Improper Use of Extension Cords

Although extension cords can be convenient, they must be used correctly. To prevent short-circuits, extension cords need to be kept dry. As you know, water and electricity together is a dangerous mix.

You should also check the extension cord’s wattage rating before use. Plugging in a device that takes too much juice is bound to cause trouble. Furthermore, never use an extension cord that is damaged. Inspect for cracked insulation, frays, and exposed wires.

Defective Smoke Alarms

When it comes to home safety, the importance of having working smoke alarms cannot be stressed enough. Develop a habit of testing the units every month. Keep in mind that smoke detectors should be installed in all sleeping areas.