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How do I know if my electrical panel is outdated?

Mister Sparky Tech with homeowner discussing their electrical issues at a home in Lakeland, FLYou may not give your home’s electrical panel a second thought as long as energy continues to be available throughout your home. However, electrical panels will become old and outdated. With age, they are more likely to malfunction and can become safety concerns. While you should not delay replacing an outdated electrical panel that is displaying concerning warning signs, you also may not want to pay for a replacement if it is not yet necessary. How do you know when your electrical panel is outdated and needs to be replaced?

The Risks of an Outdated Electrical Panel

The safety features in electrical panels have evolved over the years, including circuit breakers or fuses that turn the power off to prevent an electricity overload. This reduces the risk of a fire and overheating. However, older electrical panels do not always work as intended, and this can lead to serious safety issues. For example, an outdated electrical panel can cause electronics and appliances to burn. It can also cause electrocution, a total blackout in the home, or an electrical fire.

Signs Your Electrical Panel Is Outdated

Homes that were built in 1990 or earlier are likely to have outdated electrical panels. Some of these older panels that need to be replaced soon are Federal Pacific Electric panels, Zinsco panels, split-bus panels, and fuse boxes. If you don’t know what type of panel is installed in your home, you can look for some of these tell-tale signs that your electrical panel is outdated and needs to be replaced soon.

1. A Tripped Breaker

Tripped breakers are frustrating, causing power to shut off in one area of the home when you use an appliance or electronic device. If you notice this happening frequently, this is a sign that your panel is overloaded and that it is no longer sufficient for your needs.

2. A Breaker That Refuses to Reset

When a breaker has tripped, resetting it should immediately resolve the problem. However, some breakers do not reset. Others reset for a short period of time before tripping again. These are indications that the electrical panel needs to be professionally inspected soon.

3. Electrical Shocks

If you notice even a slight electrical shock when you touch a power outlet or light switch, the matter is likely caused by an outdated panel or faulty wiring. A light shock may seem like more of a nuisance than a health hazard. However, these shocks can grow stronger and can ultimately be fatal.

4. Flickering Lights

A common cause of flickering lights is a disruption of the power supply. If this happens when weather conditions are perfect, the electrical system should be replaced. Even a flicker lasting only a second or two and not related to inclement weather conditions should be investigated by a licensed electrician.

5. Overheating Appliances

In some cases, an overheated appliance is caused by a problem with that specific appliance. However, if multiple appliances in your home are getting too hot, the electrical panel may be to blame. Other potential causes are wiring and connection problems.

6. Dark Spots on the Breaker Box

If your electrical panel has dark spots on it that appear to be charred or burned, this is a sure sign that the breakers or circuits are overheating. This can cause an electrical fire, so it requires urgent attention from a licensed electrician.

7. Unusual Sounds

Electrical panels normally emit a light humming sound as electrical energy passes through it, and this is not a cause for concern. However, loose wiring or a faulty panel can create other sounds that are often louder. These sounds include popping, hissing, or crackling noises. If the problem is not addressed promptly by a professional, the panel may completely fail or a fire can start.

8. A Burnt Smell

While an overheating electrical panel can create dark spots and unusual sounds, it can also emit a burnt smell. You may notice this smell while standing next to the electrical panel or electrical outlets. Overheating can also cause wires and insulation to melt inside your walls, so it is possible to notice a smell in other areas of the home.

9. Sparks

A tiny electrical spark when plugging a plug into an outlet is normal. One or more larger electrical sparks is problematic and can lead to electrocution or a fire. Generally, this problem is caused by an outdated or wet outlet. Often, when an outlet in the home is old, the electrical panel is also outdated.

At Mister Sparky, our licensed electricians are committed to keeping the electricity flowing safely in your home. If you have noticed any of these signs, it is time to schedule an inspection and learn about any repair or replacement needs. Contact us by phone or online to schedule an appointment.